“I have found the Autogenic Therapy so effective and beneficial over the last year that I want to say ‘thank you’ for the gift. It is a treasure which I know I will continue to enhance my life for years to come. Thank you!”
“Following some of my heavier/draining sessions, I have found an AT exercise helpful to release tension or just to let go of the client.”
“Lynne has been my personal fitness trainer since 2002. I first came to Lynne after major abdominal surgery when I was at a loss on how to regain my fitness safely. Lynne set up an appropriate training schedule and her Pilates expertise was invaluable. After returning to full health I have continued to see Lynne on a weekly basis. When I later had lower back problems she contacted my physio and included the relevant exercises into my routines and I have not had a problem since. Sessions with Lynne are enjoyable and she is good company. Her experience as a life coach is a bonus and during many a session she has helped me through various emotional issues. I often arrive at my appointments not feeling at my best but always leave feeling better and glad that I went.”
“Training with Lynne enabled me to achieve a level of fitness I had only experienced during my time in the Army, this was despite having to work around a knee injury that I had suffered several years previously. She listened carefully to my goals and then outlined a plan and a structure for a successful outcome.
At times it wasn’t easy as she creates a program where you are continually being pushed beyond your previous workout standards – but she cajoles and encourages with warmth and a sense of humour and is dedicated to you reaching your set goals!”
“She definitely changed my husband’s shape.”
“I learnt to use AT with Lynne Stevens 10 years ago and I still use it. I still sometimes ‘hear’ her calm voice when I am practising the mental exercises.
Lynne taught me the six standard exercises of AT over a series of one-to-one sessions, and she also taught me the offloading exercises and the personal formulae (which are similar to affirmations). I use all of them at different times.
Lynne was particularly attentive to my being able to get comfortable so that when practising the Autogenic Training exercises they had the best chance of a beneficial effect. I think this helped me to take my own self-care seriously. As a busy person with a lot of work issues on my mind all the time, and a tendency to feel that sitting still doing nothing is being lazy, it was helpful to be gently reminded that properly devoting a small amount of time to practise AT and to try to create the best conditions for its beneficial effects was time worth taking.
Overall it was a journey of self-discovery while meeting regularly for the ten sessions. Occasionally Lynne shared her own experience with AT but never in an intrusive or unhelpful way. Lynne’s use of her own experiences always helped to sustain me in sticking with AT, and I am very glad I did so.
AT is indeed a tool for life. You have a tool for self-care – a way of temporarily switching off or turning down the buzz of day-to-day life that is life-affirming and sustaining. There may be other things we can do that achieve similar aims, but I would say that AT is one of the powerful skills you can learn and have in your tool-box.”
“I have acquired a very valuable technique that I can and will use whenever I want to relax and let go of stress. I am less prone to criticise myself and less perfectionist in attitude.
The course was brilliant. I would highly recommend and Lynne was a wonderfully supportive tutor.”
“I have found that underlying problems have come to the surface and I have been able to look at them in a positive way. I am more relaxed and I am gaining deeper sleep patterns. I have noticed that I feel more secure in myself. I’m not so self-conscious, more solid.
I think this has been a fantastic course. Everything is explained very clearly and I have felt supported every step of the way.”
“Finding time for me, allowing myself to be free, deeper sleep, more energy, more relaxed.
Very helpful and inspiring.”
“A greater sense of inner calm. More centred – bit more confident internally. The course was very valuable – new and powerful tools to address long-standing anxiety. Also appreciate that Lynne shared some experiences of hers with me – more equal relationship.”
“More control over my reaction to stress – internal and external. Awareness of stored anger and sorrow inside me and need to release it.
Feel slightly less worried about what others will think of me, at work and socially. Feels more liberating.
The course is excellent – very unstressful – don’t feel the pressure to perform or achieve – allowed to go at own pace.”
“Very helpful. Liked gradual build up of exercises and support notes.
Lynne has the perfect personality for teaching this course as she knows what it’s like without Autogenic Training and the benefits brought about by using AT. Very encouraging and positive, which rubs off on you. Many thanks!”
“Lynne has been a personal trainer to me since 2002. The day I walked into the gym where she was working at that time was a life changing moment. I was holding down a busy job which for years had given me the excuse that there was never enough time to fit in that all important exercise regime and Lynne helped me in the first few sessions to realise not only the importance of acquiring and maintaining a good level of fitness, but also how enjoyable it can be and what a difference it can make to ones’ state of mind as well as improving overall physical stamina.
During the time I have been seeing Lynne I have also had a couple of surgical procedures and she has helped me to rehabilitate on each occasion by carefully tailoring my exercise programmes to get me up and literally running again. She always assesses the whole person and introduces programmes that are entirely centred around what is needed at any given moment in time – from personal training to also introducing me to a course of autogenic training and in so doing has given me multiple ways of dealing with the stresses and strains of life. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”